August 1st, 2023

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August Greetings

Hey (reader), Jon and Peter here... we have fun creating products
and coming up with intuitive ideas but we don't like the hard sales pitch.
So we "assimilated" a spiel from a real marketing "wizard" for you enjoyment.

Over the next weeks to come, 6th Sense Solutions
is going to be sending you newsletter emails.
When you see those emails, open them.
Then read them.
Every damn word.
Because if you want to enjoy our creative and fun ideas…
These will be the most important emails you ever receive.
Seriously. But more on that in a moment...
You see, we started 6th Sense Solutions because we want something...
To build community and sell products.
With more control of our time.
More freedom.
But then, somewhere along the way most people get bogged down.
Stuck in the minutiae.
Doing admin.
Replying to shitty emails.
Stuck in what I call “little chore hell”.
Then, that dream of having more control of our time…
Slips through our fingers like sand at the beach.
That extra time with our family and friends disappears into the night like Donald Trump when Biden moved in.
So really we’ve taken a pay cut.
Or even if we managed to earn more, is the sacrifice of your time worth it?
I hope this doesn’t sounds like a bad dream.
A haunting nightmare.
Unfortunately, it’s all too common for a lot of potential customers.
It’s generally because of one systemic cause.
A virus that attacks the integrity of your thoughts.
On a cellular level.
This disease is referred to as…
A ‘lack of sales’.
It restricts oxygen and eventually kills the organism that is our business.
The opposite...
Is having the ability to pull down a lever and watch customers shoot out.
Having the ability to do this…
Pretty much cures this disease and solves all of the above.
We could hire sharp people to take that stuff off our plate.
Buy back your time.
Buy back your freedom.
Put on our cape and become a business superhero.
And it all starts with being a great marketer.
Someone who can look down at our business like a machine.
Orchestrating it like a symphony to play a beautiful song.
This is what building a business is really about.
Building a system that can run without us…
So we can focus on the growth of your business.
We can feed it the nutrients it needs in our own time.
We can look into the future and envision where our company is going.
We can focus on ways to bring in new customers like you.
Enter new markets.
Form new partnerships.
But unless we get this whole sales and marketing ‘thing’ sorted…
We’re screwed.
Like royally.
And I don’t mean kinda sorted.
I’m talkin’ Marie Kondo sorted.
Like folded neatly and put away into little draws sorted.
I’m talking about building an ‘Online Store’...
Where we know exactly how many Customers we’ll get each week…
And how many of those we’ll be able to get to buy our products…
Knowing how many of those visitors will convert into loyal customers.
And how much revenue we’ll receive each month.
I call this ‘scientific customer acquisition’.
Wanna see one of these ‘selling products’ in action?
And witness, firsthand, how to get high-paying clients coming to us...
If so, you're in luck.
We’ve put together a cool website for you that does exactly that.
Please visit us online to see how the whole thing works.
From information to product sales.
View it here.
Look, I can honestly say…
Without a shadow of a doubt.
If you need creative designs and intuitive ideas…
This ‘Website’ is going to change everything for you.

(Like the Borg in Star Trek: Resistance is futile)
If you've read this far: Use coupon August2023 for a 20% discount in August 2023

Be seeing you,
The 6th Sense Solutions, Jon and Peter 🌞🔮
If you have family, friends, associates and lovers who would get our humor and like our products, please forward this email to them. To subscribe to this newsletter visit our website.

Devil Went Down to Georgia

Devil Went Down to Georgia
A parody of the Charlie Daniels song,"Devil went Down to Georgia": Trump went down to Georgia, he was lookin' for an election to stealHe was in a bind 'cause he was way behindAnd he was willin' to make a deal When he came across this secretary of state working on election resultsAnd Trump jumped up on a hickory stumpAnd said, …

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3 Simple Things for Improved Long Term Health

3 Simple Things for Improved Long Term Health
Three simple actions combined to help increase and maintain mobility while warding off senility.

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United States PeaceFlag Mug

United States PeaceFlag Mug
As you wrap your hands around this ceramic wonder, you'll be greeted by a delightful collage of state flags coming together to form a glorious peace sign. From the sunny beaches of California to the majestic mountains of Montana, and from the bustling streets of New York to the rolling plains of Kansas, each state's unique flag proudly takes its place in this mesmerizing design.

The high-quality ceramic not only ensures the durability of the mug but also preserves the vibrant colors of the state flags. As you lift it to your lips, you'll feel the magic of unity flowing through you, warming your soul as your beverage warms your heart.

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Blue Crew Hat

Blue Crew Hat
The True Blue Crew For Democracy Hat is a stylish and symbolic headgear that represents the essence of democracy and civic engagement. Crafted with intention to show your passion, this hat combines a vibrant blue color with an unmistakable design to create a visually striking accessory.

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United States Flags Tee

United States Flags Tee
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