Insurrection Day: Preserving Democracy with a free download

In a time when democracy is under constant scrutiny and the very fabric of civil society feels threatened, the power of knowledge becomes more vital than ever. It’s in this spirit that my graphic timeline, “Insurrection Day,” serves as a warning that our democracy is fragile. What sets this book apart is not just its graphic reminder of the events on January 6th, but the conspiracy to undermine our democracy that is ongoing to this day.

The significance of “Insurrection Day” extends beyond its pages. Recognizing the urgency of the message it conveys, 6th Sense Solutions has taken the step of making the book available to all, free of charge to download a pdf version. The full color dynamic printed version is for sale on Amazon. This decision isn’t just about disseminating information; it’s ensuring that every citizen has the knowledge to understand the threats facing their society.

By adopting a model of free distribution, 6th Sense Solutions is fostering a sense of community and solidarity among those who believe in the importance of democracy. The act of sharing knowledge becomes a unifying force, bringing people together in a common cause and amplifying their collective voice.

Of course, it takes readers to support these ideas and organizations who share our commitment to democracy. By ensuring that “Insurrection Day” reaches as many hands as possible, 6th Sense Solutions is sowing the seeds of a more informed and empowered citizenry. By spreading knowledge 6th Sense Solutions wants to remind you and your friends that the fight for democracy is far from over.

6th Sense Solutions is proving that the most powerful weapon against tyranny is the power of knowledge, freely shared and fiercely protected.

Peter McKinnon   By Peter McKinnon with help from OpenAI chat

Art editorial Photoshop image created by me, Peter McKinnon.