Today’s Rad Reading: The Circle by Dave Egger


This one is an eerie take on social media. One I agree with.  It makes me a little nervous as a launch 6thSenseSolutions with my friend. It’s just the two of us, and I’m in charge of the tech side of things. I worry that things will break, and I will suddenly have a flood of emails from angry people to deal with. What if something goes viral, can our site handle it? Our PeaceFlag could go viral – will everything function?  I guess we’ll find out!




Today’s radiation reading taken at is: a max of .02MR/HR with a count of 29.


More information about radiation and what the readings mean can be found below:

For reference according to the EPA, the average person in the US receives 620 millirems of radiation per year from sources in the environment.

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