The sad fact is that the answer seems to be yes. It is a sad reality that the world of politics can be a murky and morally ambiguous place, where the pursuit of power and influence can sometimes override the principles and values that are supposed to guide our leaders. Unfortunately, this is precisely what is happening in the case of George Santos, who has been caught in numerous lies, yet is being kept in office simply because his vote is deemed necessary by his Kevin McCarthy due to his thin majority in The House.

This situation is a clear example of cravenness on the part of those who are responsible for ensuring the integrity and accountability of our political system. It is unacceptable that someone who has been shown to be untrustworthy and deceitful is still allowed to hold a position of power and influence, simply because his vote is needed to maintain a slim majority.

The fact that this member of Congress has been caught in numerous lies and inconsistencies should be enough to disqualify him from office. After all, how can we expect our leaders to make sound decisions and represent the interests of their constituents if they cannot even be truthful about their own actions and intentions? It is a clear betrayal of the trust that the public places in their elected officials, and it sends a dangerous message about the values and priorities of our political system.

Furthermore, by keeping this individual in office despite his dishonesty, his colleagues are sending a message that they are willing to sacrifice their own integrity and credibility in order to maintain their grip on power. This kind of short-term thinking and self-interest is precisely what erodes public trust in government and undermines the legitimacy of our political institutions.

It is important to remember that being a member of Congress is not a right, but a privilege that comes with great responsibility. Those who are elected to represent their constituents have a duty to uphold the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and accountability. When they fail to do so, they must be held accountable and removed from office if necessary.

The cravenness displayed by those who are keeping a lying member of Congress in office simply because they need his vote is a troubling sign of the state of our political system. It is time for our leaders to remember that their primary responsibility is to the people they represent, and to act with the integrity and courage that their positions demand. Only then can we restore public trust in government and ensure that our political institutions serve the common good, rather than the narrow interests of a select few.

I aim most of this at Republicans; although I do not want to excuse Democrats either, but compare how Al Franken was treated for what would now not even raise an eyebrow to how George Santos is being treated for much more serious allegations.

And if you are tired of all the partisan bickering, consider flying a PeaceFlag to show your desire for world peace!



the liar George Snatos
Kevin McCarthy
Flag displaying all countries in a peace sign design