We stand with Ukraine and condemn Vladmir Putin for his acts of aggression!

As we watched in horror the bombing of the reactor in Ukraine, we were reminded of past nuclear disasters, and our reaction to them.  At that time,  we dug out our old Geiger counter that we bought at a mad scientist garage sale and began daily radiation readings. We are now doing that again!  We will also be pairing the daily radiation reading with a reading recommendation to form Rad Readings.

The radiation readings are once daily for one minute in our North Seattle location.

We do receive a commission for the links to Amazon from this site.  Initially we attempted to set up a Powell’s, world’s largest independent bookstore, account; however their affiliate signup was confusing,  we signed up with Amazon, which has made it fairly easy for small businesses such as ourselves.

Geirger Counter

More information about radiation and what the readings mean:

For reference according to the EPA, the average person in the US receives 620 millirems of radiation per year from sources in the environment.

Get your own Gieger counter here